Enable Test Mode

Enable Test Mode

To enable Test Mode for online giving, go to “ Online Giving > Settings” and the “Payment Gateways” tab.

Once you've enabled Test Mode, you can use the “Test Donation” Gateway.

Test donations are easy to spot in the back-end donations area of your site. When viewing transactions (navigate to Donations > Donations), test donations are clearly marked with a yellow label.

Also, when viewing an individual donation, There’s a similar yellow label at the top of the page.

Testing Stripe Payments

Now that Online Giving is in Test Mode, here is a sample test card to use for Online Giving:

4242 4242 4242 4242 - Visa Test Card

Go to your Online Giving Form and insert sample field data into the fields and run the transaction through. 

If you see the donation confirmation page and the donation is viewable in the admin area (Online Giving > Donations) then you know everything is functioning correctly.

How do you know the donation actually worked? You can also verify a successful donation by logging into to your Stripe account. In the top-left part of the Dashboard, you’ll see a toggle to switch between “Live” and “Test” mode.

When you switch to “Test” mode, all the transactions that you see on the Payments screen were done. If you see your recent test donations there, then you’ve successfully tested with Stripe and you’re done!

Test Your Emails

With each donation, Give automatically sends two emails: (1) A Donation Confirmation Receipt to the donor; and (2) A Donation Notification email to the site administrator.

Test your Donation History

Lastly, your donors might also be logging into your site and will want to review their donation history. This can also be tested and confirmed. Of course, you can donate to the site yourself and see your own donation history, but did you know you can also log in as any of your donors to your website without knowing or changing their password and confirm their donation history? 

Go to “Users > All Users” you’ll see when you hover over their name, there’s now a “Switch to” link.

After you click on that, you’ll be able to navigate to your homepage, and view your website just like that donor would, including see their entire donor history on your designated donor history page.

To switch back to your account, hover over the profile menu in the top-right admin area and you’ll see a link that says “Switch back to {your admin username}”.

Removing Test Donations

To have your test donations removed from your Online Giving history, submit a support ticket to Sermon Box Online.

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